
elnaz shakerdoost

It's fun when all the servers know you by name and your drink and it can be a great way to just relax and have a quiet chat with your friends.

    Pick a time every week, or every month to meet. Try having everyone who can make it meet every first Friday of the month, for example and catch up on everything that's happening in your lives. Having it specifically scheduled means more of your friends will be able to make it.

Find a free weekend and get your friends together for a spot of binge watching. In between viewings you can discuss what you love about the entertainment and they're your favorite.

    Make sure you have lots of food on hand. Snacks make a binge watching weekend more fun.
    Occasionally take a break to stretch or take a walk outside.
    Amuse yourselves watching a bad movie, especially a cult classic. You can also do this with a poorly written book. Take turns reading it out loud and see how far each person gets before they are laughing too hard to keep reading. You can even turn it into a game (a drinking game for those over the legal drinking age, or using chocolate/candy as prizes otherwise). Your body will thank you.