
Go Backpacking

Backpacking is one of the ultimate adventure activities--discovering new trails, conquering mountains, and spending the night in backwoods are all part of a days' work in the world of the backpacker. In order to be a successful backpacke you need to know the dos and don'ts of life in the wilderness. Read this article to learn how to backpack

Do your research ahead of time when checking out a new hiking spot. Many times, bloggers will share photos, tips and trail information to ensure other hikers don’t get lost. Do an online search for the trailhead and see what information you can find. Look up what the area is known for--are there rattlesnakes? Bears? Flash floods? It’s always good to know what you might be getting into before you head out

Use a website like to check out what the weather is like in the area and what the forecast is for the days you will be there. Doing this will help you to pack smartly--if the area commonly drops a great deal in temperature at night, you’ll know to bring warm clothing like a thick coat, gloves and a hat.

    If this is your first time backpacking and the forecast is rain (or snow) you may consider moving your trip to another weekend. Wet and cold are not ideal conditions for first time backpackers and can make the going really rough

Having a water purifier is a very useful thing when it comes to backpacking. One of the biggest dangers of being out in the wilderness is not having enough water and becoming dehydrated. Portable water purifiers will ensure that you never run out of drinkable water. There are several kinds of lightweight purifiers you can bring on your trip. These include

    A pump purifier: This is a handheld pump that works in conjunction with a water bottle. You pump water from a stream into the purifier and it processes the water, making it drinkable. It then pumps that clean water into your water bottle.
    An ultraviolet purifier: This uses UV light to kill any bacteria in your water.
    Purification tablets: Iodine tablets are the most common purifying tablet. You simply mix the tablets in the water until they dissolve. While the tablets may leave a bit of a strange taste, they kill the bacteria that may be in your water