To truly intrigue a guy, you have to make him think you're fascinating and leave him wanting more. You can't put it all out there or make him feel like he has you figured out in the first five minutes or he won't want to get to know you -- or wonder about you when you're not there. So how do you create the perfect combination of mystery and excitement that can intrigue any guy?
If you give the guy absolutely nothing to work with, you won't get anything back. He won't be intrigued by you if you give him the cold shoulder and if he feels like you're not interested in him at all whatsoever. So, give him a little smile, a wave, or start a light conversation with him. Flirt just a tiny bit to make him think there's a chance that you like him, but not to make him think that you want him. Just give him enough to leave him thinking about you and wanting to see you again
If you want to intrigue a guy, then you have to make him feel like he wants to be around you. If you're in his orbit, make sure you're having a great time with your friends, laughing, talking happily, or even dancing, if you're out -- let him think, "There's a cool, fun girl. It would be fun to get to know her better." If he always sees you moping or looking bored or sad, why would he want more of that? Of course, you shouldn't pretend to be fun just to catch his eye, but actually be the kind of girl who is out to have a good time