
Prepare for Summer

In order to have a productive and enjoyable summer, you must first prepare. What you need to do is plan vacations if you wish to take any, but if you plan to stay in your hometown, all you need to do is relax. Summer is the best time of the year, but still, if you plan to have fun, you just need to follow a few steps

You will feel very lazy during the summer, so don't wear a lot of makeup, but still, take care of yourself. Wear some waterproof mascara, full coverage foundation(be sure to take it off at night),add a small amount of blush to give you a shimmering glow, and don't forget lip gloss (you'll want your lip gloss that blends with your lips

All you need to say is, "I hope you have a good summer and I hope to see you next year!" Then sign your first and last name. If you don't want to say much to a person you don't like all you need to do is just sign your first nam

Don't waste this season watching TV every day. Get into crafts classes, swimming classes or even dancing classes. Anything that can keep you from spending hours watching TV

 At a local gym you can play badminton, volleyball, Frisbee, ping pong etc. Those are some favorites. If you aren't active much, a walk in the park will do you good. Maybe start eating healthier so you will feel your best when you wear that bikini. Rock climbing or sport climbing is a great thing to do during the summer but the rock climbing joints are hard to find so you're lucky if your town offers one