
Prepare for Summer

In order to have a productive and enjoyable summer, you must first prepare. What you need to do is plan vacations if you wish to take any, but if you plan to stay in your hometown, all you need to do is relax. Summer is the best time of the year, but still, if you plan to have fun, you just need to follow a few steps

You will feel very lazy during the summer, so don't wear a lot of makeup, but still, take care of yourself. Wear some waterproof mascara, full coverage foundation(be sure to take it off at night),add a small amount of blush to give you a shimmering glow, and don't forget lip gloss (you'll want your lip gloss that blends with your lips

All you need to say is, "I hope you have a good summer and I hope to see you next year!" Then sign your first and last name. If you don't want to say much to a person you don't like all you need to do is just sign your first nam

Don't waste this season watching TV every day. Get into crafts classes, swimming classes or even dancing classes. Anything that can keep you from spending hours watching TV

 At a local gym you can play badminton, volleyball, Frisbee, ping pong etc. Those are some favorites. If you aren't active much, a walk in the park will do you good. Maybe start eating healthier so you will feel your best when you wear that bikini. Rock climbing or sport climbing is a great thing to do during the summer but the rock climbing joints are hard to find so you're lucky if your town offers one

Freight Class

The National Motor Freight Classification (NMFC) system is a standardized method designed to give consumers a uniform pricing structure when transporting freight. There are 18 classes that a shipped package may fall under with class 50 being the least expensive, to class 500 as the most expensive. The number assigned to an item is important to freight carriers in determining the tariffs, which in turn determine the price charged to you. Online calculators are available with instructions on how to determine freight class so that everyone can easily understand the process

There are many different types of allowable packaging systems for freight including, but not limited to, pallets, drums, reels, crates, tubes, or bundles.

    You will also need to specify to a shipper if the contents of the package you are shipping need a lift gate to load it onto a truck

Give Directions

There are two basic ways to give directions, the "route perspective" characterized by landmarks, and the "survey perspective" characterized by references to cardinal directions (north, south, west, east) The system you use depends on where you are and who you're giving directions to. Most of the time it's best to use a combination. The most important thing is to be brief and clear!

Shortcuts may be faster, but they can also be more complicated! If the person is lost or has poor navigation skills to begin with, give them directions with minimal turns. For example: Make a left on Baker street, then a right at the light, and go straight all the way down that road until you get to the highway

How far along a particular road does the person need to go? There are several different ways to tell them:

    How many blocks or streets they'll pass. This works better in a city than in the country, because in the city there are more cross-streets to count, whereas in the country the space between them makes it easier to lose count, and some driveways look like roads of their own. For example: "Continue down that street, passing 4 side roads along the way."
    How many traffic lights they'll pass. This is good, but you must be right about the number! For example: "You are going to pass three traffic lights before the turn."
    Distance in miles or kilometers. For example: "Go 3 miles on Holypoke Road"
    How much time it'll take. This is better for when they'll be spending a short time on that path; any longer than that, and your directions will become inaccurate depending on how fast the person drives. For example: "It should be about five minutes on the highway."
    Give them a drop dead point. A drop dead point is a landmark that tells them that they've gone too far and have missed their turn. For example: "If you see the library, you have gone too far

 If it's not a simple, four-way intersection, give a few extra details. Otherwise, tell them to make a left or right. Give them a street name and one landmark (a traffic light, a particular store). If the person you're giving directions to is good with cardinal directions (north, south, west, east) and/or the city you're in is laid out like a grid (with all the streets perpendicular, running east-west or north-south) indicate the direction, too. For example: "Turn a left at the traffic light onto Foster, heading east.

Fix a Treadmill

Treadmills are large pieces of exercise equipment that often accumulate a lot of use throughout the years. They're designed to withstand repeated impact, but, like all machines, they have the tendency to malfunction. Instead of buying a replacement when your machine acts up, consider fixing the problem yourself. Use these steps to troubleshoot treadmill problems

Plug the treadmill into a different outlet to eliminate the first outlet as the issue. If you know which outlets are on separate fuse circuits, try using an outlet that is powered by another fuse.
Plug another device into the treadmill's outlet to see if it works.
Examine the prongs on the treadmill's power plug to see if they are bent or distorted in any way.
Check the connections between your power adaptor and the equipment. Some models may need to be opened to complete this step

Spray a towel with cleaning solution and wipe down the belt. Begin at the top and tug the belt firmly to move it downward. Dirt and debris can collect on the belt, which can slow it down. Debris can also drop from the belt into the interior of the treadmill.
Adjust the belt so that it is directly in the center. Belts can stretch and begin to lean to one side after frequent use. You can try repositioning the belt from the outside of the treadmill by pulling gently away from the slanted side, but a technician should look at severe belt issues.
Lubricate the belt by spraying a towel with silicone lubricant. This reduces belt friction and can lengthen the life of the belt.
Replace the belt. Make sure it is the correct model for your treadmill

If the display console is flashing error codes, check these codes against the owner's manual. This should tell you where the motor is failing if it is failing.
Open the treadmill according to the manufacturer's instructions with a screwdriver. Inspect the motor's connections. For non-experts, inspecting a motor might be fruitless. If nothing strikes you as being obviously wrong, you might need to consult a professional.
Replace the motor. Treadmill motors can be purchased at exercise equipment outlets both online and in physical stores

Fitness Model

Unlike their counterparts in the fashion industry, fitness models promote a healthy body image. Still, fitness models spend a considerable amount of time devoted to staying in shape and eating healthy. Though you do need to be 100% committed to fitness, you don't necessarily have to be a star athlete to pursue this lucrative career. Read this article to learn where to get started

As a fitness model, your body is not only your temple, it is actually your source of income. You will have to keep your body in peak physical condition to be a successful model in this competitive industry.

    Fitness models have an athletic physique with toned muscles and very little body fat. Some female models are bulkier than others; determine how bulky you intend on becoming from the onset.
    Join a gym if you haven't already. You will need to spend at least one hour in the gym every day, combining cardio and strength-training exercises, with an emphasis on the latter.[1] If you are seriously considering becoming a fitness model, you should get a personal trainer to help you stay in shape.
    Eat clean. Your diet should consist of lean proteins, fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Don't eat excess sugar, empty carbohydrates, fried foods, or drink alcohol.
    Don't smoke cigarettes or do drugs of any kind, as they will inhibit your performance
Maintaining the body of a fitness model requires a great deal of sacrifice and will-power. You will essentially be living the lifestyle of a professional athlete. In addition to spending your days in the gym and focusing on your diet, you will have to get in the habit of going to bed early and be prepared to sacrifice your social life at times.

    Consider keeping a diet and exercise journal to help you keep track of your workouts and the food you eat.
    Manage your time so that you have enough time to work out every single day, regardless of other obligations

Girl cyclist

Professional women cyclists face a lack of financial support and minimal opportunities to compete, leaving them feeling left behind in the world of competitive cycling

Intrigue a Guy

To truly intrigue a guy, you have to make him think you're fascinating and leave him wanting more. You can't put it all out there or make him feel like he has you figured out in the first five minutes or he won't want to get to know you -- or wonder about you when you're not there. So how do you create the perfect combination of mystery and excitement that can intrigue any guy?

If you give the guy absolutely nothing to work with, you won't get anything back. He won't be intrigued by you if you give him the cold shoulder and if he feels like you're not interested in him at all whatsoever. So, give him a little smile, a wave, or start a light conversation with him. Flirt just a tiny bit to make him think there's a chance that you like him, but not to make him think that you want him. Just give him enough to leave him thinking about you and wanting to see you again

 If you want to intrigue a guy, then you have to make him feel like he wants to be around you. If you're in his orbit, make sure you're having a great time with your friends, laughing, talking happily, or even dancing, if you're out -- let him think, "There's a cool, fun girl. It would be fun to get to know her better." If he always sees you moping or looking bored or sad, why would he want more of that? Of course, you shouldn't pretend to be fun just to catch his eye, but actually be the kind of girl who is out to have a good time

rally cars for sale

There was a time without time, where the moon shone high in the sky. One night, absent-mindedly, she approached the Earth and got caught in the branches of a tree.

From the Darkness, a wolf appeared, projecting its Majestic shadow on to the hill. Howls and moonlight were witnesses of their loving relationship. But all stories come to an end, and the wolf returned to the wood while the Moon climbed back up into the sky”.

As legend has it on this magical night, the wolf caught the shining of the moon in its eyes, and the moon stole the wolf´s shadow to dress itself as night. Since that time, the wolf howls at the Moon for it to return its shadow.”

Following the example of the large automobile industry companies, an animal figure was chosen as the GTA symbol, in this case the wolf as a symbol of light which

 represents strength and courage. Besides, this animal happens to be the symbol of the coat of arms of the founder´s and company owner´s surname, Domingo Ochoa. Of the so-called “aquitano” origin, the surname Ochoa comes from Otxoa, and from the word Otsoa, meaning wolf. The logotype also depicts a red and white checked flag, these being the distinguishing marks of Spania GTA that has 20 years´ motorsport competition behind it.

Having constructed Spano, Spania GTA intended to go down in history, in both Spain and the world, by following with the legend of sports cars manufactured by other Spanish mythical makes. Nowadays they are considered masterpieces, and are greatly appreciated by collectors and are, at times, of incalculable value. Spano was born as the fastest and most powerful automobile ever built in Spain for commercial purposes. In short, it is the car that will mark an era

Angry teacher

An Angry Teacher Speaks

Crash Diet Safely

Can you safely crash-diet on what you want to eat to rapidly lose weight at once; say: Burritos, Tacos, Burgers, Vegetables, Italian, versus Snickers, Pecan Caramel Turtles, or Baby Ruth candy, for weeks. See how almost any satisfying food may do the trick! How?

Examine the liquid diet and pureed soft food starvation in the surgeon's process, eating about enough for a small child, after a radical weight loss operation. So, compare 10 bites per day, a radical diet choice -- to be explained below -- see the Mayo Clinic diet for after surgery (more detail in the tips section):[1]

    "Recover:" nothing by mouth, not even water -- about 2 days.
    Phase 1: "Crash" on the surgeon's clear liquid diet -- 1 to 2 weeks -- healing inside.
    Phase 2: "Starve" on 6 one tablespoon pureed "soupy-pasty 1 bite meals" daily -- 2 to 4 weeks.
    So far! -- almost 2 months' total -- crash-diet on doctor's orders!
    Phase 3: "Starve" on six meals of two tablespoons per day, that's about six 1/4 cup "meals" of soft, mashed foods -- 2 to 4 added weeks of this.
    Phase 4: "Starve", for life. 3 tiny 1/2 cup -- 2 to 4 weeks and finally get up to a mini-feast of three "1-cup meals" of soft, chopped foods.

    Suffer a life sentence: No big, chewy bites of real steak or chicken, etc. -- but, Yes... munch ground or minced meats instead

Crash-diet. Think it through simply: all foods turn into sugar (glucose); that is: When the body needs energy but when you have eaten very little. Expect your body's Krebs Cycle (cellular level chemistry) to change fat and protein to sugar, if you eat very little -- or sugar to fat, if you overeat? It will... that's its job

Feel My love

Look at how the person or people that you love act. Do they say mean things to you? Do they physically hurt you? Do they blow you off when you really need them? Do they ignore you when you tell them how you feel? These are bad signs. If, however, they maybe don't say it but they do show it by being there for you, trying to avid hurting you, and never giving you reason to think they think less of you, they probably love you but are just bad at showing it

 Are you carrying all the weight in a friendship or relationship? Do you do way more for them than they do for you? Do you shower them in kindness and you're just met with empty thank yous and no reciprocation? These are bad signs. If, however, you feel like you get out as much as you put in, things are probably okay.

 If someone hurts you (physically or emotionally), or even if they're just more work than they're worth, don't keep them in your life. You don't need that. Leave them behind and get back out there. Find the friends and relationships that are fulfilling for you because you deserve it

Feel Loved

Feeling unloved? It can be a raw, hollow feeling to think that nobody loves you in life. However, you may not know how much you are actually loved because of miscommunication or misunderstanding. A lot of the time, we feel unloved because we've shut ourselves away from the ability to feel loved. You can open yourself up to those feelings again and encourage the people you love to open up their hearts; just get started with Step 1 below!

A lot of the time, people can love us with all their hearts and we will still feel unloved. Usually, this is because we have a hard time believing that someone else could love us because we can't love ourselves. If you feel unloved by others, the best place to start is to learn to love yourself first. Build your opinion of yourself by celebrating your positives and embracing your negatives. Stop holding yourself to an ideal of perfection and realize that you are perfect just the way you are

 Self confidence is an extremely attractive quality in a person. When people see that you think you can take on the world and win, they begin to believe it too (and they love it!). Build your self confidence by taking on challenges in your life, speaking up for yourself, and doing things that make you proud of who you are

Make sure you know what love really looks like. Sometimes, really horrible people in our lives will convince us that love looks different than it actually does. Don't let them get you confused: love should never hurt, love shouldn't feel one-sided, and love shouldn't feel conditional.